Trumpet Vine Trend: Understanding The Latest In Gardening

Exploring the escalating trend of Trumpet Vine, this article delves into its aesthetic appeal and growing popularity among contemporary garden enthusiasts.

The Trumpet Vine trend, sweeping across the gardening world, is a vibrant addition to any outdoor space. This trend, named after the popular Campsis radicans plant, is renowned for its stunning, trumpet-shaped flowers and its ability to attract hummingbirds and butterflies.

This article delves into the details of this trend, offering insights on how to grow and care for these vines, the variety of species available, and the aesthetic appeal they can add to your garden. Whether you’re a seasoned gardener or a novice, understanding this trend can help transform your garden into a vibrant, wildlife-friendly haven.

Key takeaways:

  • Trumpet Vine is a popular trend in gardening.
  • It is known for its vibrant, trumpet-shaped flowers.
  • Trumpet Vine attracts hummingbirds and butterflies.
  • It is easy to grow and care for, adaptable to different conditions.
  • Trumpet Vine can become invasive if not properly managed.

Trumpet Vine Overview

trumpet vine trend

The Trumpet Vine, also known as Campsis radicans, has become a popular choice for many gardening enthusiasts due to its vibrant orange-red flowers and ability to attract hummingbirds. Native to the Southeast United States, it brings a tropical feel with its trumpet-shaped blooms, hence the name.

Its vigor and aggressive growth pattern make it a remarkable vine for covering fences, walls, and structures.

A distinguishing feature is its fast growth rate, which reaches up to 40 feet or more, providing lush greenery and a colorful spectacle when in bloom. However, careful placement and regular pruning are necessary to prevent it from becoming invasive.

One of its notable attributes is its adaptability. The Trumpet Vine can thrive in a wide range of soils and environmental conditions, and once established, is incredibly resilient and easy to care for. Moreover, it’s resistant to pests and most diseases, making it a low-maintenance choice for busy gardeners.

Planting season typically starts in early spring after the risk of frost has passed, ensuring the vine enjoys a full growing season.

Remember, a healthy Trumpet Vine can deliver an eye-catching display of vibrant blooms. Carefully selecting the right location, providing adequate care, and understanding its growth habits are vital steps in achieving success with this plant. Informed planting and maintenance are crucial to ensure this vine doesn’t take over your garden while still allowing it to put on its spectacular show.

Growing Trumpet Vine

Trumpet Vines, also known as Campsis radicans, are a hardy type of flowering plant that can quickly cover a fence, wall, or other structure in your garden.

Start by selecting a suitable area in your garden. Trumpet Vines need full sunlight and well-draining soil.

Plant in early spring. Dig a hole as deep as the plant’s root ball and at least twice as wide. Place the plant inside, making sure the top of the root ball is level with the ground. Fill in with soil and press down firmly.

Follow a regular watering regimen after planting. Trumpet Vines prefer a deep drink every week or so, rather than frequent light watering.

Fertilize once a year, early in the spring. Use a balanced 10-10-10 fertilizer to promote healthy growth.

Keep in mind that Trumpet Vines do best in USDA Zones 4-9. They can tolerate a wide range of temperatures, but may need a protective mulch layer if temperatures drop significantly in winter.

Lastly, remember that Trumpet Vines can become invasive if their growth is not controlled. Regularly prune back excess growth and consider planting them where their spread can be contained.

Having trouble getting your Trumpet Vine to bloom? There might be a few reasons why – which we’ll explore in a later section.

Remember, these plants, while beautiful, are mildly toxic – so consider this when choosing a spot to plant, especially if pets or children often play in your garden.

Where to Plant Trumpet Vine

This vigorous and hardy vine thrives best in locations that receive full sun exposure for at least six hours per day. However, it can tolerate partial shade, but it may produce fewer blooms. Bright, direct light translates into a greater number of brilliant, trumpet-shaped flowers and healthier foliage.

The ideal spot should also have well-draining soil. This plant isn’t picky about the soil type or pH, but it does not fare well in waterlogged conditions. Excessively damp soil can lead to root rot, a common problem with these plants.

In terms of positioning, trumpet vine has a natural climbing habit and will quickly take over fences, trellises, and other support structures. These plants can grow up to 40 feet high, becoming quite heavy and potentially causing damage if not properly supported. If you don’t want the vine to take over your entire yard, make sure you have a strong structure for it to grow on and plan to keep it pruned.

One more point to consider – plant it in a location where underground utilities or piping will not be disrupted. Trumpet vine’s rooting system is aggressive and can stretch out quite a distance, potentially interfering with underground lines.

How and When to Plant Trumpet Vine

Planting trumpet vine involves several steps to ensure the vine’s healthy growth:

Choose an outdoor location with well-draining soil and plenty of sun exposure, ideally around a sturdy support structure such as a fence or trellis.

Ensure the planting area is free of other plants; trumpet vine’s aggressive growth can overtake surrounding vegetation.

The best time for planting trumpet vines is in late winter or early spring before new growth begins, to allow the roots to establish before the growing season.

Dig a hole twice as wide and as deep as the root ball, then place the plant in the hole, ensuring the top of the root ball is level with the ground surface.

Backfill the hole, firming the soil gently around the plant to remove air pockets.

Water generously after planting, soaking the soil thoroughly to establish good contact between the roots and the soil.

After planting, apply a layer of mulch around the plant base to help retain soil moisture and suppress weeds.

Caring for Trumpet Vine

Trumpet vines demand an ample amount of sunlight, so position them in a space that receives at least six hours of direct sunlight daily. Unwell or slow-growing plants could do well with a slight increase in sun exposure.

The vine thrives in almost every soil type, provided it’s well-drained. Regular garden soil works perfectly, but the plant can tolerate poor, dry, or rocky soils as well.

When it comes to watering, maintain moderate moisture levels. Overwatering can lead to root rot and other fungal diseases. During the growing season, regular rainfall is usually enough. If the weather is especially dry, water the plant once a week, soaking the soil thoroughly down to the roots.

These plants are also quite adaptable to varying temperature and humidity levels. However, they flourish best in temperate climates.

Only younger trumpet vines need fertilizing, usually within 2-3 years of planting. For mature plants, excessive use of fertilizer can lead to vigorous growth at the expense of flowering. Depending on your soil’s fertility, a slow-release, balanced fertilizer (10-10-10) can be applied during the early spring.

Remember, too much pampering can end up discouraging the trumpet vine from flowering. Let it tough out the elements for the best results.


Trumpet Vines thrive best in full sun exposure. This means they need at least six hours of direct sunlight every day for optimal growth and bloom. These resilient plants can also adjust to partial sun or light shade, but it’s important to note that insufficient light might lead to decreased flowering.

If the vine is being planted near a structure, position it in a way that it will not be in the shadow of the structure for most of the day. Likewise, in garden planning, put it somewhere it’s not overshadowed by taller plants.

Consider the sun’s path while planting and aim to provide max exposure. A sunny, southern exposure is often the best positioning for these vibrant, climbing flowers.

Lastly, if you’re growing them indoors as houseplants, placing them near south-facing windows can effectively provide them with adequate light. A grow light could also be a good investment if natural light is scarce.

Through careful planning, lighting should not be a deterrent in the successful growth of your Trumpet Vines.


Trumpet Vine thrives best in well-drained soil but can adjust to nearly any soil type, offering a generous margin for gardening newcomers. It flourishes in both acidic and alkaline soils, making it undemanding when it comes to pH balance.

– Loam, sandy, or clay soils all serve as suitable environments.

– The soil should be kept moderately moist but not soggy to prevent root rot.

– Adding organic matter, like compost or leaf mold, can enhance soil fertility.

– If planting in heavy clay or sandy soils, improving the soil composition with organic matter can encourage healthier growth.

– Known for its tenacity, Trumpet Vine can tolerate poor soils but will significantly benefit from richer soils, resulting in more abundant blooms.

Remember, perfect conditions can lead to uncontrollable growth, so finding a balance and managing growth might require avoiding the most ideal soil conditions.


Trumpet vines thrive with consistent moisture. Adequate hydration is vital, especially during the growth phase. However, the plant is drought-tolerant once established. Keep in mind the following points when watering your trumpet vine:

  • Soil should be kept moderately moist but not waterlogged.
  • Water deeply but less frequently to encourage the growth of deep root systems.
  • During rainy periods, it may not be necessary to water the plant at all.
  • In hotter climates or during dry, hot months, additional water may be required.
  • Use drip irrigation to avoid oversaturating the soil.
  • An overwatered plant may have yellowing leaves, a sign of root rot.
  • Underwatered trumpet vine may have wilting or falling leaves.
  • Chalky or sandy soil may require more frequent watering.
  • Clay or loam soil retains water longer, needing less frequent watering.
  • Mulch helps retain soil moisture; consider applying around the base of the plant.

Temperature and Humidity

Trumpet vines thrive in a variety of climatic conditions. They have an impressive adaptable nature and can withstand temperature ranges from -20 degrees Fahrenheit to 100 degrees Fahrenheit. Always bear in mind, though, that extreme cold or heat may stunt growth or even cause damage.

Although the plants perform well in both humid and dry atmosphere, high humidity fuels their growth substantially. But don’t despair if your area tends to be dry. In such conditions, diligent watering can easily compensate for any humidity deficit.

It’s crucial not to forget that while these plants are resilient and can tolerate a wide range of temperatures and humidity levels, extreme weather conditions, like any other plant, can impact their overall health and well-being. Therefore, during spells of severe heat or cold, extra care may be needed to help your trumpet vines continue thriving. This might include providing additional water during heatwaves and utilizing protective materials like frost cloth during cold snaps.

For indoor plants, try to maintain a consistent temperature within the recommended range and situate them in a location with stable humidity levels. They should be kept away from vents, fireplaces, or drafts, which could cause significant temperature fluctuations.


The right fertilizing strategy can significantly enhance the growth of your Trumpet Vine. In general, these plants are not heavy feeders and can do well with minimal fertilization.

Plants that are grown in poor soils should be fertilized with a general-purpose garden fertilizer in the early spring before new growth starts. Water after applying the fertilizer to help it go down to the roots.

Compost can be added to enrich the soil around Trumpet Vines. This will also help improve the structure of the soil and its ability to hold onto water and nutrients.

Remember to go easy on the fertilization to prevent overly vigorous growth which can result in fewer blooms.

Avoid high-nitrogen fertilizer, as it might lead to plenty of leaves but fewer flowers.

Overall, remember that less is more when it comes to fertilizing Trumpet Vines. Too much can lead to lush, green growth at the expense of those stunning flowers you desire. Therefore, be cautious and sparing in your application for best results.

Pruning Trumpet Vine

Pruning the Trumpet Vine is crucial for its proper growth and welfare. Initially, hold off on pruning for a few years, allowing the plant to establish itself. Once mature, the vine benefits from frequent trimming, as it aids branching, fullness, and flower production.

Start by removing dead, diseased or tangled branches in late winter or early spring. Cut these at their base, taking care not to harm the plant’s main structure.

Next, focus on shaping the plant. Trumpet Vines can become uncontrollable without regular pruning. Remember to maintain the natural form of the vine; over-pruning can stress the plant.

Vertical growers tend to bloom more prolifically than horizontal ones. Encourage vertical growth by trimming lateral (sideways) growing shoots.

Limit the plant’s size for manageable growth. Overgrown vines can be a menace to structures and neighboring plants. Cut back the plant by one-third every winter.

Promote a profusion of blooms by notching, a technique where a small cut is made above a node or leaf set. This encourages branching where flowers will form.

Lastly, always use sharp and sterile pruning shears to prevent disease transfer and ensure clean cuts. Following these steps consistently can produce a healthier, more vigorous and abundant blooming Trumpet Vine.

Potting and Repotting Trumpet Vine

Begin with a container that affords the trumpet vine ample room to grow, ideally 15-20 inches in diameter. Choose one with sufficient drainage holes to prevent waterlogging. Use a standard potting mix with a pH between 6.0 and 7.5. It should be well-draining, rich in organic matter, and can provide the necessary nutrients for growth.

When repotting, choose an appropriately larger pot as this vine grows aggressively. Before transplanting, water the plant thoroughly, then carefully cut around the edge of the pot to loosen the root ball with a sharp knife. Lift the plant from its pot and place it in the new one, adding potting soil around the sides until it is firm but not compacted.

During the repotting process, any damaged or rotted roots should be removed. Also, assess if the roots are spiralling around the pot. If they are, gently loosen them and spread them out in the new pot to encourage more beneficial root growth. Once finished, water generously. For optimal health, repot your trumpet vine every 2-3 years.

How to Grow Trumpet Vine From Seed

Begin by soaking the seeds in warm water for 12 to 24 hours, a step that increases the rate of germination. Next, place them about a quarter inch deep in dampened soil within a seed-starting tray or small pots.

Ensure these containers have proper drainage to prevent waterlogging. After planting, find a sunny location in your house, like a south-facing window, for the best growth.

During the germination period, it is essential to maintain the soil moisture without overwatering. A plastic cover over the pots can help retain moisture, but remember to remove it once the seedlings sprout.

As the seedlings grow, watering can be gradually reduced. It’s important to allow the top inch of soil to dry out between watering sessions. After two to three true leaves have formed, the young plants can be transplanted outdoors in their final planting site or larger containers.

Note that growing from seed might prolong the time it takes for the vine to start flowering, which can take several years. If a quicker bloom is your priority, consider growing from cuttings instead.

Propagating Trumpet Vine

For optimal growth, trumpet vine propagation can be effectively achieved through various methods such as cuttings, layering, or division.

When using cuttings, a five to six inch growth from the current year makes the best choice. Place it in a well-draining potting mix and keep it humid until the roots establish.

Layering involves bending a low hanging branch down to the ground, covering a section with soil, and staking it in place. Once new growth appears, the section can be cut from the parent plant and potted.

Division, advised to practice in early spring or fall, requires careful removal of the plant, severing a section of roots, and replanting promptly. This gives the divided plant ample time to establish before the harsher weather hits.

Above all, ensure your propagating plant has access to enough moisture and light for growth, while avoiding waterlogging and scorching sun rays which could prove detrimental to the fledgling plant.

Overwintering Trumpet Vine

Hardy in USDA zones 4-9, trumpet vine can withstand winter temperatures without much hassle. However, the plant may need additional care when winter hits, particularly in the more northern zones where the climate is harsher.

Preparation for winter starts in fall. It’s ideal to stop fertilizing the plant to avoid encouraging new growth that won’t survive the cold. To prevent winter wet from rotting the roots, ensure the soil has good drainage. Mulching the base of the vine can be beneficial, providing an extra layer of protection for the roots.

During winter itself, there’s little maintenance to be done. Even if the vine loses leaves or appears dead, refrain from panic-pruning. The vine will usually bounce back come spring.

Many gardeners choose to cover their vines with a frost blanket during particularly cold spells. In zones cooler than 4, the plant may need to be brought indoors or placed in a heated greenhouse for the winter.

Once spring arrives, prune the Vine. Not only does this evoke a lush, full regrowth but it keeps the plant healthy and reduces risk of disease.

Remember, always check the weather reports during winter. Any unexpected severe weather changes could impact the trumpet vine. Staying vigilant will help ensure successful overwintering of the vine.

Varieties of Trumpet Vine

The American Trumpet Vine, known as Campsis radicans, stands as the most common species, sporting bright orange-red blossoms that draw in hummingbirds. It encapsulates the vivid charm that has made these plants popular.

For those desiring more muted color palettes, the ‘Flava‘ cultivar offers yellow flowers as an alternative. This variety retains the hardiness of the common species, making it a resilient garden choice.

The ‘Madame Galen‘ cultivar, rising in popularity, boasts stunning, large, salmon-red flowers and a vigorous growth habit. It’s known to be an aggressive climber, climbers might need to keep a close eye on its expansion.

In contrast, a more controlled option, the Chinese Trumpet Vine or Campsis grandiflora is known for its less invasive behavior. Its large, golden-orange blooms are an eye-catching addition to any garden, without the hassle of overgrowth.

Lastly, the Bignonia capreolata or Crossvine offers another interesting variety. It is recognized for its spring blooms in unique tangerine shades and appreciably non-aggressive growing pattern.

When choosing the variety, it’s key to consider the plant’s behavior, size, and color in line with your garden’s design and capabilities. This ensures that your Trumpet Vine can thrive and enhance your landscape, rather than disrupt it.

How to Get Trumpet Vine to Bloom

To encourage blooming in trumpet vines, a few key steps can be followed.

Firstly, this plant thrives in full sun, so ensure it’s placed in an area that receives at least six hours of sunlight per day.

Next, adopt a moderate watering regime, especially during dry periods. Avoid overwatering as this could lead to a surplus of green leaves and fewer blooms.

Thirdly, pruning is essential, which should be done in late winter or early spring, before the new growth begins. Trimming back to about three buds from the base helps in promoting a higher yield of blossoms.

In addition, keep fertilizing to a minimum. A rich nutrient soil often results in lush foliage at the expense of flowers. A low nitrogen fertilizer can be used sparingly to strike a balance.

Lastly, patience is key as trumpet vines take a few years to establish and start blooming. Being a perennial, once it starts, you can expect a vibrant display every year thereafter.

Pests and Problems With Trumpet Vine

While Trumpet Vines are relatively hardy, they can occasionally be vulnerable to certain pests and diseases. Aphids, in particular, are drawn to these plants. Spraying a garden hose or using an insecticidal soap can address minor infestations.

Mildew, a common fungal disease, could also occur due to prolonged periods of dampness. This can be prevented by proper air circulation and watering the plant at its base.

Wilt disease is another potential issue that may cause sections of the vine to die off. To mitigate this, it’s vital to cut back and discard the affected areas.

Be vigilant about yellowing leaves, an indication of either too much or too little water. Over or under watering can cause the plant distress and should be adjusted by checking soil moisture levels regularly.

Lastly, potential spread to unwanted areas can be a nuisance with trumpet vines, they can latch onto nearly any surface or structure. Regular pruning or creating a boundary with a garden edging solution can help control growth.

Each of these challenges present unique opportunities for care and attention to your trumpet vine to ensure its long-term health and vibrancy.

Toxicity of Trumpet Vine

All parts of the trumpet vine, including the stem, leaves, flowers, and seeds, are toxic if ingested by humans or pets. The presence of a compound called iridoid glycosides is to blame. The first symptoms of poisoning often include nausea, increased salivation, and vomiting. In some severe cases, hallucinations and paralysis can also occur.

It’s strongly recommended to keep curious children, dogs, cats, and farm animals away from these eye-catching blooms.

Anyone who physically handles the trumpet vine should also be cautious. The plant sap can cause skin irritation that results in an itchy, burning rash similar to poison ivy. It’s vital to wear gloves and long-sleeve shirts when handling this plant, especially when pruning.

In case of ingestion or contact dermatitis, seek immediate medical or veterinary assistance. Washing the affected skin area with cool water and soap may alleviate symptoms until professional help is achieved. However, even with these precautions, remember that the trumpet vine’s beauty comes with risks, and extensive care is necessary.

Trumpet Vine Companion Plants: Butterfly Bush, Aster, Shasta Daisy

The Butterfly Bush, with its haze of cheerful blooms, pairs beautifully with the Trumpet Vine while attracting pollinators. It thrives in similar conditions as the vine and can provide a contrasting bushy backdrop for the climbing vine.

Next is the Aster plant, known for vibrant late-summer and fall colors, which can accentuate the rich hues of the Trumpet Vine. Its compact shape and love for sun help it serve as an effective ground cover under the lofty vine, filling in the garden space attractively.

Finally, the Shasta Daisy is a great companion for the Trumpet Vine due to its tolerance for the same type of soil and light requirements. The Daisy’s distinct white petals can create a striking contrast with the colorful bloom of the Trumpet Vine, adding a dynamic visual interest to any garden setting.

To optimize these companionships, remember to manage spatial requirements and growth habits of each plant. This helps to ensure neither becomes overshadowed or under-resourced. Also, taking note of each plant’s specific needs regarding watering and fertilization will create an environment where each of these plant species can thrive and augment each other.

Uncontrollable Spread of Trumpet Vine

Trumpet Vine, while beautiful, can become invasive if not properly managed. It spreads quickly and extensively due to its creeping roots that can consume large areas of land, choking out other vegetation in the process.

To prevent an uncontrollable spread, consider keeping your Trumpet Vine planted in pots, as it will restrain its growth. Or, if it’s already planted in the ground, create a root barrier around the plant. Using a solid material that’s buried deep into the soil can limit the extent of your vine’s spread.

Another strategy is to regularly prune the plant and remove its seed pods after the flowering stage before they’ve had a chance to open and disperse.

In the worst-case scenario, if it becomes too invasive, resulting in an uncontrollable spread, you’re left with the tough decision of removing the plant. Employing a systemic herbicide can help. You’ll have to cut the vine back, allowing new growth to appear, and then apply the herbicide to the new growth as it will more readily absorb it.

Practice vigilance and regular maintenance to help keep your Trumpet Vine in check, balancing its vibrant beauty with responsible gardening.

Garden Design Suggestions With Trumpet Vine

Trumpet vines bring beauty, liveliness, and an organic finishing touch to any landscape scheme. Here’s how to thoughtfully integrate this vibrant climber into your gardens:

  • Integrating into Borders: For practical uses, trumpet vines serve as excellent border plants along fences or property lines. These sturdy climbers provide both privacy and a kaleidoscope of color.
  • Pairing with Pergolas: Letting vines climb over pergolas or archways can create a beautiful, natural canopy, providing shaded, scenic areas during hot summer days.
  • Combining with Cottage Gardens: Trumpet vines work well in romantic, cottage-style gardens, as their lush growth and vibrant blooms add a classic touch.
  • Highlighting with Minimalist Landscaping: For modern designs, isolated trumpet vines can act as a statement piece, especially when trained along walls or singular trellises.
  • Practicing Succession Planting: To ensure perpetual blooms, pair trumpet vines with plants having alternating flowering periods. This practice guarantees a pop of color throughout the seasons.
  • Camouflaging Unattractive Areas: Capitalize on the fast-growing nature of trumpet vines to cover unsightly garden elements. A shed or old wall can be quickly transformed into a verdant feature.
  • Accentuating Wildlife Attractions: The trumpet vine’s nectar-rich blossoms attract hummingbirds and butterflies, providing a dynamic element to nature-friendly gardens.

As for precautions, place them wisely to avoid unsolicited spreading. The strategic positioning of trumpet vines can enhance the overall aesthetic appeal of any garden, provided their growth is kept under regular check.


What does the trumpet vine symbolize?

In the symbolism of plants, the trumpet vine stands for ‘a fresh start’.

How fast does trumpet vine spread?

Trumpet vine is a fast-growing plant that can cover up to 30 to 40 feet in a single season in ideal warm, wet conditions.

What do trumpet vines attract?

Trumpet vines attract a wide variety of pollinators including butterflies, hummingbirds, and bees.

Are all trumpet vines invasive?

Not all trumpet vines are invasive, but many species, such as Campsis radicans, are considered invasive in various regions across the United States.

How does one effectively propagate a trumpet vine?

To effectively propagate a trumpet vine, cut a six-inch section from the parent plant, remove the lower leaves, dip the cut end in rooting hormone, and plant it in a pot filled with a mixture of perlite and peat moss, followed by regular watering.

What are the different types of trumpet vines available?

Trumpet vines come in various types, including Campsis radicans, Campsis grandiflora, and variations such as ‘Yellow Trumpet’ and ‘Indian Summer.’

Can trumpet vines survive in a variety of climates or are they specific to certain regions?

Trumpet vines are resilient plants that can survive in a variety of climates, making them not specific to any particular region.
