Purple Toothpaste Trend: A Comprehensive Guide To the Latest Dental Phenomenon

Exploring the intriguing purple toothpaste trend, this blog dives into its origins, popularity surge and overall impact on oral hygiene culture.

Diving straight into the vibrant world of pop culture trends, the “Purple Toothpaste” phenomenon is currently taking the internet by storm.

This trend, with its roots in the beauty and health industry, is all about a toothpaste that promises not only to clean your teeth but to do so with a splash of fun, purple color.

This article will delve into the origins of this trend, the reasons behind its sudden popularity, and its impact on both consumers and the industry.

From the ingredients that make the toothpaste purple to the brands leading the charge, we’ve got all the details covered.

So, if you’re curious about why your tooth brushing routine might soon be turning purple, read on.

Key takeaways:

  • Purple toothpaste uses chromotherapy to visually whiten teeth.
  • Ingredients include food-grade dye and surface-level stain removers.
  • Leading brands include PopWhite, AP24, and Moon.
  • Side effects may include tooth sensitivity and potential enamel damage.
  • Purple toothpaste offers a more gentle and immediate whitening effect compared to traditional whitening products.

Understanding Purple Toothpaste


Purple toothpaste, often advertised as color-correcting toothpaste or anti-yellowing toothpaste, uses chromotherapy concepts. This impressively hued paste temporary stains the teeth a color that visually counteracts yellow hues, making teeth appear whiter instantly.

In terms of its functionality:

  • Unlike traditional toothpaste, the purple color helps counteract the yellow tones often found in teeth, creating an instant, albeit temporary, whitening effect.
  • The primary ingredient used to achieve the purple color is often food-grade dye, mixed with other toothpaste constituents.
  • Many brands claim that in addition to the visual effect, their formulation also helps to break down surface-level stains over time.
  • It’s applied and used just like regular toothpaste, requiring no special brushes or additional steps in your oral care routine.
  • The effects are temporary, lasting only until the coloration wears off, typically when eating or drinking.

Remember, the best way to understand the effects of purple toothpaste is to try it out for yourself under the observance of your dentist’s advice. Always take their suggestions over anything else.

Effectiveness of Purple Toothpaste

Purple toothpaste has gained traction primarily for its potential to whiten teeth. The key rationale behind its effectiveness lies in color science.

Purple, being opposite to yellow on the color wheel, neutralizes yellow stains, promising a brighter smile when used regularly.

The toothpaste also contains ingredients like hydrated silica for polishing and sodium tripolyphosphate, known for its stain removing properties.

Worth noting, results are usually observable after several weeks of consistent use.

To maximize the effectiveness, it’s recommended to brush for two minutes, twice daily.

Remember, consistency is key for noticeable results.

Common Brands of Purple Toothpaste

On the market today, there are several leading manufacturers who have incorporated this new trend into their product range.

One notable example is the PopWhite brand, which promises excellent results and a pleasant mint flavor with their purple toothpaste.

Secondly, there is the AP24 Whitening Fluoride Toothpaste by Nu Skin. This product has gained popularity for its innovative blend of peroxide and purple pigment to deliver notable whitening results.

Third, the MOON brand, co-created by social media personality Kendall Jenner, stands out for its visually appealing design and innovative formula. Their teeth whitening paste contains purple ingredients, aiming for effective results and great taste.

Each of these brands has received a mix of feedback from users. Reading customer reviews can help potential buyers understand how these products perform in real-world use. Being aware of the product’s ingredients and their potential effects, as well as consulting with a dental professional, is vital to ensure safe and effective use.

Side Effects and Risks Associated With Purple Toothpaste

Although Purple Toothpaste may seem like a revolution in oral hygiene, assessing potential risks is crucial before incorporating it into your daily care routine.

Perhaps the most sobering reality is the paucity of long-term research on the effects of using Purple Toothpaste. With new products entering the market, drawing definitive conclusions about safety can be challenging. The FDA doesn’t regulate cosmetic products under the same stringent rules as drugs – therefore, tread with caution.

Ingredients such as nanoparticles, used for their whitening properties, raise eyebrows among health professionals. This specific component is known to cause microscopic abrasions in enamel, leading to possible sensitivity or, worse, cavity formation.

Additionally, while providing the appeal of instant whitening, Purple Toothpaste might only mask surface stains. Over-relying on it could lead to negligence of oral health issues such as underlying cavitation or gum disease.

Some users also reported unusual sensations after use, ranging from slight numbness to high salivation. Generally, these symptoms were temporary, but users who experience them should stop using the product and consult a dental professional.

Lastly, one should scrutinize the product’s price point. The pricing version of Purple Toothpaste stands at the higher end in comparison to conventional toothpaste. As long as users are comfortable with paying an additional amount for the purported benefits, this shouldn’t be an issue.

In sum, whilst Purple Toothpaste appears promising, users should proceed with caution, whilst remaining mindful of potential side effects and risks.

Comparison of Purple Toothpaste to Other Whitening Products

When evaluated against traditional whitening products, purple toothpaste surfaces as a distinct contrast:

Traditional whitening toothpastes usually carry abrasive particles or chemicals that remove surface stains on the teeth. On the flip side, purple toothpaste deploys a color-correcting principle which might be a more gentle process for some users.

Length of treatment time often differentiates these products. Engagement with customary whitening toothpastes might require several weeks of consistent use to accomplish noticeable differences. In comparison, some users report seeing an instant impact on discoloration after the first few uses of purple toothpaste.

The ingredients also distinguish these two options. Most whitening toothpastes employ the power of hydrogen peroxide. Purple toothpaste often substitutes this substance with less potent elements like sodium fluoride, resulting in minimal tooth sensitivity.

Experience in the user community varies, while some individuals find great success with traditional whitening toothpastes, others have shown preference towards the immediate outcome of using purple toothpaste.

Lastly, cost variation helps in forming a decision. Generally, purple toothpastes appear on the higher end of the price spectrum due to their innovative nature and immediate-result promise as compared to the long-standing, more budget-friendly traditional options.

Tailoring product choice to individual needs and preferences is important. In doing so, factoring in these key variances can assist users in making an informed decision.

Ingredient Breakdown of Purple Toothpaste

Common ingredients found in purple toothpaste include sodium fluoride and potassium nitrate, which provide its cavity-fighting and sensitivity-preventing qualities. A vital component providing the vibrant purple color is food-grade dye. Additionally, it contains surfactants like sodium lauryl sulfate that create the foaming action.

Many purple toothpaste brands also include a blend of natural substances. For instance, some incorporate essential oils, such as peppermint and spearmint, infusing the product with a pleasant and fresh aroma, while also offering antiseptic features.

Hydrated silica, a mild abrasive, gives the toothpaste its cleaning power, effectively removing plaque without damaging tooth enamel.

Crucially, the standout component in this trend is the purple pigment itself, whether from blueberries or food-grade colorants. While these might not contribute to oral health, they do make brushing a more fun, colorful experience.

Importantly, always review the product label before deciding to try a new toothpaste. For example, if you have a known allergy to any of the ingredients listed, such as certain essential oils, avoid using that specific product.

Customer Experiences With Purple Toothpaste

As the popularity of purple toothpaste rises on social media, a diverse range of experiences follow. Some report immediate results, applauding the unique product for improving their teeth’s whiteness after just a few uses. These satisfied customers further note the refreshing taste as a delightful bonus.

However, not all reviews echo this positivity – a fraction of users find their before and after comparison lackluster. Despite religious use over weeks, certain users report negligible changes when it comes to whitening. Another issue concerns sensitive teeth, with some individuals experiencing discomfort following the use of this vibrant toothpaste.

In terms of the product’s ease of use, most agree that the process is no different from regular brushing. The purple color, initially shocking to traditionalists, has attracted much interest, owing to its sheer novelty and vibrancy.

Dynamics of customer preferences are reflected in the varying experiences. It’s recommended users do due diligence and check product ingredients to avoid allergies or unfavorable reactions. Also, considering dentist advice can be advantageous before exploring the world of trendy dental hygiene.


What is the TikTok purple toothpaste?

The TikTok purple toothpaste, known as Hismile V34 Colour Corrector, is a product that claims to mask stains, counteract yellow tones, and enhance the brightness of one’s smile, benefiting both those with previously whitened teeth and those seeking a smile refresh.

What does purple toothpaste mean?

Purple toothpaste signifies a product developed to mask the yellowish tinge in teeth, drawing inspiration from the concept of purple shampoo used to combat yellow tones in blonde hair.

What do dentists say about purple toothpaste?

Dentists are skeptical about the effectiveness of purple toothpaste and concerned about possible negative impacts on dental health.

Does purple toothpaste actually help?

Purple toothpaste primarily works by color-correcting yellowness, giving the illusion of a whiter smile, however, dentists consider it a gimmick with no real dental health benefits.

What are the primary ingredients in purple toothpaste?

Purple toothpaste primarily contains fluoride, hydrated silica, sorbitol, sodium lauryl sulfate, and various dyes for the purple color.

How does the use of purple toothpaste vary across different age demographics?

The use of purple toothpaste is most prevalent among younger demographics, driven by its appealing color and novelty factor.

What potential risks or side effects are associated with the long-term use of purple toothpaste?

Long-term use of purple toothpaste could potentially cause tooth staining, irritation in sensitive individuals, and changes in taste perception.
